I am proud of the breadth of clients that I have had the opportunity to work with, including small startups, non-profit organizations, neighborhood associations, businesses, and governmental organizations.  

Logo design: Client work 

Event Branding: Rebranded BikeWalkKC's biggest fundraiser ride of the year, the Tour de Bier. I created advertisements, promotional postcards and posters, apparel, and event banners.

Recognition: Received "Best In-House Design" and "Best Special Events Branding" Philly Awards by Non-Profit Connect, 2014. 

Fact Sheets and Infographics: I regularly use icons and infographics to communicate data and engage with readers.

Public Health Resources:  I’ve worked with a multi-disciplinary design collaborative, Dotte Agency,  the Public Health Department of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS and the Community Health Council in Wyandotte County to support public health initiatives in Kansas.

Postcard Design: I have created education and advocacy mailing campaigns use photographs and iconography to educate and mobilize recipients.

Booklet Design: I completed design work for the Public Health Department of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas’s Community Health Improvement Plan, which included icon design, booklet design, and report design. See the long report and the shortened booklet.

Website Design: Conceptualized and created new website for Atlanta Streets Alive, an open streets initiative in Atlanta, Ga. I created wireframes for new website, collaborated with staff, and assisted a developer in coding the website. 

Report Design: I manage design needs for the Vision Zero Network, regularly creating case studies, maps, reports, and resource guides.